catching up

March 7, 2014

Lets get down to the nitty-gritty

January - we got a VAN. Seriously, I never imagined the day that we would choose to buy a van. It just got to the point where we were like a sideshow attraction getting in and out of the golf. It was so ridiculous how we jammed everything into that tiny little car. Im sure there were many amused spectators every time we went to Costco. When it comes down to it - 

kids + van = makes sense

So, we are THOSE people now. So far we have loved it - I mean, remote control sliding doors. Those are the 4 little words every mother wants to hear. Mid-January I decided to challenge myself physically. I started the 30 day shred - doing it with Breanne on Skype every morning. I really surprised myself by doing 27 of the 30 days. I felt great doing it and proved to myself that I CAN work out at home. (before, home workouts consisted of doing the warm up to said workout then calling it good and sitting down on the couch) Plus, it was fun to "hang out" with Breanne every morning. The end of January we did a last minute trip to Idaho to surprise Breanne for her birthday. It was a fun trip, and they had no idea what was going on when Ruby was standing knocking at their door. I really miss having them so close. 

February - the month of my birth. 
It was a busy February and it flew by so fast. We all took turns getting a nasty cold and, lucky for me - I still am hanging onto it. My birthday was perfect. It was just a relaxed day, the kids were fun, I got lots of love from family and friends. Ster made plans to take me to dinner in Lethbridge. I made swiss meringue buttercream for my coconut birthday cake (yes, it was as delicious as it sounds). When we went to pick up my mom for dinner the drapes were drawn and I saw what looked like streamers... I looked at Sterling, and slowly made my way inside. I noticed a car seat as we walked in and suddenly tons of people jumped out at me! I was legitimately surprised! All of our closest friends and some family were there and I had no idea beforehand! This is a big deal because I usually always figure things out. I handled it in the best possible way by crying of course.. I know, I know. Lame sauce, hence why I probably like to know about surprises beforehand. Sterling did such a great job and that was definitely the highlight of my day. (Thanks babe :)) I feel so blessed to have such awesome people in my life. The next day I treated myself by buying a huuuge haul of candy. HUGE. (so much for 30 day shredding. I can just hear Jillian Michaels in my head saying "I know 400lb people who can do jumping jacks - so can you!!" It haunts me in my sleep) I've surprisingly been able to keep it hidden from my kids. Its a birthday miracle. February was just great. 

I feel like this year has been good to us so far. We are blessed with so much. As far as personal goals and progress this year I feel I am falling behind in some areas (cough, this blog... cough). I feel like I really need to step it up and keep setting goals and stretching myself. I always feel better when I am actually trying at life.  So here's to trying!!   

(Yes, sorry, another lame post without pictures. I'll work on it)

a new year

January 16, 2014

Well, I'm still alive.
I got lazy - and I guess I just needed a break from blogging 
(not that it was out-of-control insane or anything) 
Sometimes I just lose interest, or think I have nothing worthwhile or noteworthy to blog about. 
But I'm here. 

This new year has been a good one thus far. I feel refreshed and recharged and feel like there are some good things in store for me this year - and no - that does not mean that I am pregnant. I'm not one to make a ton of new resolutions January 1st. I'm weird like that I guess. I like to just examine my year and make necessary tweaks. It seems a lot more manageable that way. 

This year a lot of my "tweaks" are geared towards self improvement.
 I want to do more things for myself. 
To work on trying new things, learning new hobbies, having adventures, cooking more delicious food, and growing personally. I want to be more present in my daily life with the littles, and I would like to unplug more and just enjoy the little things. My main focus this year is this..

Heres to a great new year!

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