Well, I'm still alive.
I got lazy - and I guess I just needed a break from blogging
(not that it was out-of-control insane or anything)
Sometimes I just lose interest, or think I have nothing worthwhile or noteworthy to blog about.
But I'm here.
This new year has been a good one thus far. I feel refreshed and recharged and feel like there are some good things in store for me this year - and no - that does not mean that I am pregnant. I'm not one to make a ton of new resolutions January 1st. I'm weird like that I guess. I like to just examine my year and make necessary tweaks. It seems a lot more manageable that way.
This year a lot of my "tweaks" are geared towards self improvement.
I want to do more things for myself.
To work on trying new things, learning new hobbies, having adventures, cooking more delicious food, and growing personally. I want to be more present in my daily life with the littles, and I would like to unplug more and just enjoy the little things. My main focus this year is this..
Heres to a great new year!