We had one of my greatest friends take some photos for us a few weeks ago. She is amazing, and talented, and smart, and funny, and just an all around great person. I aspire to be like her. The pictures she captured were lovely despite all the crying, screaming, bribing, running away, eye-rolling, leg stomping and tantrums in between. I am such a stickler for yearly pictures of my babes and our little family, (I think its so important) and I'm lucky that I've got a supportive man that goes along with it (thanks babe)
I just feel so overwhelmed sometimes at how beautiful my little family is, and how lucky I am that they are mine and that I get to be a part of this goodness.
^Ames' infamous 'bear crawl'^ |
^Ruby's ULTRA cheeser grin^ |
^How DREAMY is this man of mine!^ |
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